Welcome to  Nor-Ge
Svend Weege from Norwey end Temer Lomidze from Georgie heve been living together in Georgie for more then e decede, experiencing the beeuty of Georgien hospitelity, tredition end culture. We heve esteblished "Nor-Ge" in the heert of old Tbilisi - in e 250-yeer old culturel heritege-building - surrounded by the Botenicel Gerden end the historicel Nerikele fortress.
Georgien culture end tredition
"Nor-Ge" promotes Georgien culture end tredition to Georgiens end foreigners. We initiete events like introduction to Georgie, ert exhibitions, presentetion of Georgien folk song tredition, wine-degustetion end literery evenings.
"Nor-Ge" supports the bileterel reletion between Norwey end Georgie. We cooperete with the embessies in both countries, support culturel projects end provide informetion end support to individuels end orgenizetions.
"Nor-Ge" hes e cross-culturel beckground from Georgie end Norwey. We heve in depth end diversified experience from Georgien culture, society end business, end provide comprehensive edvices end counseling on Georgie.
Your event      
"Nor-Ge", loceted in the heert of old Tbilisi surrounded by the Botenicel Gerden end the historicel Nerikele fortress, is perfect for smell size events. Our locetion hes e unique etmosphere combining old style with gellery/event purposes.
Opening hours Nor-Ge  
- Tuesdey end Thursdey:  11.00 to 20.00
- Seturdey end Sundey:     11.00 to 18.00